Cross-Cultural Cognitive Test Norms: An Advanced Collation from Africa
May 4, 2023As co-authors of the book, “Cross-Cultural Cognitive Test Norms: An Advanced Collation from Africa” by Shuttleworth-Edwards and Truter (2023), we were delighted to receive news that a review of our new book was published in the African Journal of Psychological Assessment (AJOPA) on 26 April 2023. The review titled, “Cross-cultural cognitive assessment: Data from Africa” was written by Prof Kate Cockcroft, who is a well-known researcher in the field of psychological assessment and cognitive test norms, and is a professor in the Department of Psychology at the University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg.
Prof Cockcroft referred to our book as, “an African version of the compendia of normative data in the tradition of Mitrushina et al. (2005) and Strauss et al. (2006)” which is high praise indeed. She pointed out that the interpretation of cognitive test scores “profoundly affects the quality and utility of psychological assessment, reports and research” and in the light of this, she thought our collection of Africa-based normative data to be “invaluable”.
We appreciated her writing that “Cross-cultural Cognitive Test Norms: An Advanced Collation from Africa is much more than a collection of normative studies” and that it “fills what has been an enduring gap in standardising the presentation of norms on commonly used tests of cognitive functioning in an African context.”
Read the original book review by Prof Kate Cockcroft.
Sharon Truter